Energy Efficiency


Energy Efficiency means using less energy to perform the same task. Energy Efficiency reduces costs, greenhouse gas emissions, demand for energy imports, and costs for individuals and Commercial and Industrial (C&I) sectors.


Eligibility Criteria

  • Reduce absolute energy consumption by at least 15% as compared to Business as Usual (BAU)
  • Reduce energy intensity in industrial processes (i.e., energy per unitary product) by at least 15%
  • The Energy Efficiency equipment or products should either (i) be verified as energy-efficient based on a reasonable benchmark in the market of the technology or product being sold, or (ii) be directly supplied to Energy Efficiency projects (per the definition of eligible Energy Efficiency equipment above)

Benefits for Borrowers

For approved projects, and depending on project viability, borrowers can benefit from increased energy performance, reduced environmental impact, and technical support in technology selection and project assessment.

Renewable Energy


Renewable energy is energy from sources that are not depleted when used. It includes:

Solar (concentrated solar, photovoltaic), Wind, Hydropower, Renewable energy power plant retrofits, Geothermal, Biomass or biofuel and Ocean power (e.g., wave, tidal, ocean currents, salt gradient).


Eligibility Criteria

  • All Renewable Energy projects are eligible
  • The feedstock for biomass/biofuel assets only includes rejected municipal solid waste, sludge, and agriculture waste
  • For manufacturing projects, the eligible sub-project should be directly manufacturing or supplying a component that is exclusively for the purpose of producing or supporting RE

Benefits for Borrowers

For approved projects, and depending on project viability, borrowers can benefit from increased energy performance, reduced environmental impact, and technical support in technology selection and project assessment.

Sustainable Transport


Sustainable Transport (ST) is the provision of services and infrastructure for the mobility of people and goods, helping advance economic and social development to benefit today’s generations and future ones in a manner that is safe, affordable, accessible, efficient, and resilient. It also entails minimizing emissions, including carbon, and other negative environmental impacts. Sustainable transport is therefore not an end, but a means to achieve sustainable development. Sustainable transport enables the mobility of people and goods. It contributes to poverty eradication and inequality reduction by generating jobs, enabling access to jobs, and supporting livelihoods.


Eligibility Criteria

Companies that are motivated to invest in Sustainable Transport that result in Green House Gas (GHG) reductions are eligible for sustainable finance in the following areas:

  • Electric Vehicles (EV) supply chain
  • Urban transport modal change
  • Transport-oriented urban development
  • Inter-urban transport



Benefits for Borrowers

For approved projects, and depending on project viability, borrowers can benefit from increased energy performance, reduced environmental impact, and technical support in technology selection and project assessment.

Green Buildings


Green buildings are buildings that reduce or eliminate negative impacts and can create a positive impact on the climate and natural environment through their design, construction, or operation. Green buildings preserve precious natural resources and improve occupants’ quality of life. There are a number of features that can make a building ‘green,’ including: Efficient use of energy, water, materials, or other resources, use of renewable energy, such as solar energy, pollution and waste reduction measures, repurposing, and recycling and good indoor air quality.


Eligibility Criteria

  • EDGE Certification
  • (or) BREEAM certification (good or higher)
  • (or) LEED certification (silver or higher)
  • (or) 20% improvements in energy, water, and material use




Benefits for Borrowers

For approved projects, and depending on project viability, borrowers can benefit from increased energy performance, reduced environmental impact, and technical support in technology selection and project assessment.

Energy Management Systems


Energy Management Systems (EnMS) are systems designed to control and monitor energy consuming devices, including heating and cooling equipment, fans, pumps, dampers, and lighting. Energy Management Systems can also be used to control refrigeration equipment, industrial processes, or other systems. An energy management system is usually a collection of tools used by facility operators to monitor, control, and optimize the performance of the generation, conversion and/or transmission energy system. Different tools are implemented from short time control modules to scheduling or commitment of power production units on regular intervals.


Eligibility Criteria

ISO 50001 or an equivalent certification






Benefits for Borrowers

For approved projects, and depending on project viability, borrowers can benefit from increased energy performance, reduced environmental impact, and technical support in technology selection and project assessment.

Waste and Water Efficiency


CIB recognizes that its business decisions have the potential to impact environment and surrounding communities. Having a large client base, CIB is dedicated to financing business opportunities with positive environmental and social impacts, mitigating environmental and social risks associated with client transactions, reducing operational footprint, and setting similar sustainability expectations for CIB clients.


Eligibility Criteria

  • Achieve a minimum 20% reduction in water utilization from baseline
  • Demonstrate net emission reductions





Benefits for Borrowers

  • Financial savings through reduced resource consumption
  • Improved productivity and competitiveness
  • Meet market demand for better environmental performance

Non-energy GHG Reduction Energy Management Systems


CIB understands that its business decisions have the potential to impact the environment and surrounding communities. Having a large client base, CIB is dedicated to financing business opportunities with positive environmental and social impacts, mitigating environmental and social risks associated with client transactions, reducing its operational footprint, and setting similar sustainability expectations for its clients.


Eligible Projects - Air conditioning and refrigeration


Retrofit existing industrial, commercial, and residential infrastructure to switch to a cooling agent (ammonia) with a lower potential impact on climate change.




Benefits for Borrowers

  • Reduce GHG emissions/carbon footprint
  • Meet market demand for better environmental performance

For more information on EPAP, ECO and Agriculture Products, please e-mail us at

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