CIB Included in 2023 Bloomberg GEI for 5th Consecutive Year!

CIB is proud to announce that it has been included in this year’s Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index (GEI) for the fifth year in a row for its continuous efforts in providing a safe work workplace that honors diversity, equality and inclusion. The Bloomberg GEI is a global modified market capitalization-weighted index that collects gender-related social metrics and data performance from publicly held companies that are committed to transparency in gender-related reporting and in implementing gender equality in their workplaces. This achievement reflects CIB’s dedication to improving its policies by providing equal pay and opportunity to both men and women and enforcing anti-discrimination policies, which creates a safe and inclusive work environment that can attract talents and foster innovation.

CIB is one of 485 companies across 45 countries and regions to join the 2023 index, highlighting the Bank’s commitment to transparency in gender-related reporting in accordance with the index’s international standards.

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