We are committed to providing our customers with excellent service and helping them meet their financial needs. We will continuously work towards improving the standards of service at CIB to ensure that we deliver the highest standards of customer service.

Our commitment is reinforced through our Vision, Mission and Values of Integrity, Lead the market, Agility, Customers first, which outline our belief in service quality and listening to our customers to understand their needs, while building lasting relationships by delivering superior products and technology solutions that meet their expectations.

Our relationship with customers

Our relationship with customers is guided by the following principles

Treating customers fairly

We address any detriment and dissatisfaction in a timely and fair manner. We consider the customer's entire journey with CIB and how we communicate at each stage. We act fairly and reasonably towards our customers in a consistent and ethical manner. We maintain clear processes to ensure a prompt and fair resolution of disputes.
Transparency ​We ensure that all information about our products and services is clear and understandable so that our customers can decide what is best for their needs. We communicate clearly without jargon. We will give our customers the information they need to make informed decisions about the products and services they choose.

Privacy and confidentiality

We treat all personal information as private and confidential. We safeguard the privacy of data. The personal information of our customers will not be revealed unless otherwise authorized by the customer or required by the law to do so.


​We provide products and services that comply with relevant laws and regulations in Egypt. We help our customers to understand the financial benefits of our products and services that they are interested in, how they work, and the risks involved.

Governance and controls

We follow the controls and compliance requirements that govern our activities. We apply consistent standards across the Bank, including risk management, anti-money laundering, and financial crime prevention, fraud prevention, application of sanctions, bribery and corruption prevention, and conflicts of interest with internal and external stakeholders.

Code of conduct

​We ensure all our employees exercise ethical behavior and comply with the CIB Code of Conduct at all times and deal with integrity, dignity, transparency, empathy, and professional competency with our customers.

Service guarantee

​We guarantee to provide quality service to our customer by identifying ourselves when we speak to them, seeking to understand their requirements and identify what is important to them, listening actively and responding to their needs, being clear and helpful in our dealings with them, and giving reasons for our decisions; and acting with care and diligence as we serve them.

24/7 Accessibility

We are available to our customers anytime, anywhere, 24/7, 365 days a year through multiple communication channels of their choice. In addition to the 24-hour manned CIB Contact Center, 19666, or +2-02-19666 from outside Egypt, customers can reach us through the CIB website, Internet Banking, mobile app, and through our customer care unit email cib.customercareunit@cibeg.com. Customers can also reach us by visiting any of our branches during working hours.

We expect our customers to:

  • Read and understand the terms and conditions associated with the CIB product(s) that are available on our website.
  • Manage their account(s) in accordance with regulations and terms and conditions set by the Bank.
  • Provide complete, accurate, and timely information when requested by the Bank or whenever there are changes to prevent fraud and avoid delays in service delivery.
  • Treat staff members with courtesy and respect.
  • Safeguard any security information, including access rights, to help prevent fraud and protect their account(s).

Customer Complaints:

We provide our customers with a high standard of service. Should they be dissatisfied with our service, customers have the right to submit a complaint. We promise to resolve complaints in a fair, timely, transparent, and accountable manner.

When submitting a complaint, we kindly request our customers to:

  • Clearly state what part of the service or conduct of our staff they are unhappy about.
  • State what they would like to be rectified.
  • Provide factual and accurate information regarding the complaint.

In resolving the complaint, we guarantee the utmost confidentiality and encourage our customers to provide their contact details to enable us to respond to complaints expeditiously.

Our complaints process

Tutorials Watch these videos to know your rights as a customer

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